Interpretation Service (Spanish/English)

Working With an Interpreter


Meet Interpreter

The interpreter can help bring ease to the situation by first establishing rapport with each individual. Interpreter can encourage each party to speak directly to one another as all will be interpreted to the other party once the meeting begins.

Share the topics to be discussed

By sharing the topics at hand prior to the meeting, you can help the interpreter bring to mind the possible vocabulary that will be used, which can help the accuracy and fluency of the message.

Speak using short segments

When the meeting begins, try to speak one sentence at a time.  This should help the interpreter when it comes to conjugating and word order . If it is a long sentence however, it may be better to share it in short segments. There is not an exact rule, so I would say ask God to lead and when you are speaking and it feels like you should pause for the interpreter or the listener(s), pause. 

Simultaneous Interpretation

Simultaneous interpretation is when the interpreter speaks/interprets at the same time as the speaker, without waiting for the speaker to pause. This type of interpreting is not the best choice if the listener will have a hard time hearing the interpreter over the speaker or if the interpreter will also have a hard time hearing the speaker.

Consecutive Interpretation

Consecutive Interpretation is when the speaker shares their messages intermittently, with pauses, to allow the interpreter time to interpret. Only one person is speaking at a time during this type of interpretation. Even though this might take longer to get a message across, this is the recommended approach when hearing is a concern.

Interpreter May Ask for Pause

The interpreter might signal to pause if they need additional time to express a statement or if they need to ask the speaker for additional information to accurately interpret the thought.

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